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Tribal Energy Innovation Accelerator

Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association (SCTCA) is establishing the Tribal Energy Innovation Accelerator (TEIA), a dynamic ecosystem that will systematically and rapidly advance clean energy technology and solutions that benefit...

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REAP 2.0

The REAP 2.0 Program seeks to accelerate infill housing development, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and increase the housing supply at all affordable levels. SCTCA intends to support the program’s goals...

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Open post


Nativehire is a non-profit job search engine, (similar to, specifically geared to Native Americans. It is a division of the Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association and was born out...

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Tribal Print Source

Tribal Print Source is a division of Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association. Tribal Print Source opened it's doors to the public in October 2003, under the name Hi Rez Digital...

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Food Distribution

The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) is a program of the Food and Nutrition Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. This program provides foods for good...

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Tribal TANF

ABOUT US | PARTICIPANT FORMS | FAMILY ENGAGEMENT AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM | CONTACT US Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families will make available the tools necessary to promote the empowering...

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