2020 Census Digital Action Weekend — May 1-3

It’s not too late to respond to the 2020 Census while being safe and practicing social distancing at home. Once you have responded, please encourage your family, friends and loved ones to complete the census, too. Please help us spread the word about the 2020 Census, and encourage people to respond on their own if they haven’t yet done so:

● Post content on social media to show your commitment to responding to the 2020 Census.

● Share and like posts from our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts with stakeholders, friends and family for the most current information on 2020 Census operations.

● Visit the 2020 Census Social Hub for customizable graphics to share your support for a complete and accurate count.

● Learn about the Get Out the Count Video Prize Challenge, deadline is May 7th.

● Check out the Response Rates Map and Rankings Dashboard to see how your hometown is doing and encourage your stakeholders, family and friends to participate. It’s a great way to track the progress of the nation’s self-response. The map is updated every afternoon to reflect the self-response rate of the country and of each state, county, city, census tract, congressional district and tribal area.

● Join the Census Counts campaign for a Twitter Town Hall on May 1st at 1:00pm ET.

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