Article 1: Storm ready: Tips to keep you safe
Preparing for storms and other emergencies is crucial for the safety of you and your family. Here are some essential tips to help you stay ready.
Create a family disaster plan
- Visit Alert San Diego at alertsandiego.org for great ideas on developing a thorough plan. Practice evacuating with your family to ensure everyone knows what to do in an emergency.
- Discuss backup plans for different times of the day, like when family members are at work or school. Make sure everyone knows where to reunite if separated, as phone service may be unreliable during a disaster.
Build an emergency kit
- Prepare an emergency kit with essential items, including food, water, medication and important documents. Ensure your kit is easily accessible in case you need to evacuate quickly.
- Don’t forget your pets! Make sure they are microchipped and have a pet disaster plan in place. Learn which items to pack for your pets with San Diego’s Department of Animal Services’ helpful list at sddac.com.
Stay informed and connected
- Register your cell phones and those of your family members with Alert San Diego at alertsandiego.org to receive emergency notifications affecting your neighborhood.
- Check with schools or childcare providers to understand their emergency plans and how they will communicate with you during a crisis.
Protect your property
- Get free sandbags at locations throughout the County to help divert or redirect water, mud and debris from your property. Sandbags can also help prevent soil erosion. Find a distribution site near you at alertsandiego.org.
Additional tips
- Keep important documents in a waterproof container.
- Have a battery-powered radio to stay updated on emergency information if power is out.
- Learn basic first aid and CPR to assist in case of injuries.
For more information on how to be prepared for storms, visit sdge.com/emergency.
Article 2: Lower your energy bill: 10 tips to save money
Looking for ways to lower your energy bill? Check out these tips to help you save on your bill during the cold weather.
Block the chill.
Caulk and weather-strip around drafty doors and windows. You can also use a door sweep, door sock or towel at the bottom of doors if there is a gap.
Keep your furnace and air filters clean.
Check furnace filters once a month and replace them regularly. A dirty air filter can increase your energy costs and cause problems with your equipment.
Set your ceiling fan to run clockwise.
This causes the fan to produce an updraft, forcing the hot air that rises to your ceiling down and into the rest of the room. In the summer, you can switch the fans to counterclockwise to keep the room cool.
Schedule an SDG&E no-cost gas appliances check.
Book an appointment online at MyEnergyCenter.com. Select Services, Services Overview, then Gas Appliances Check.
Lower your thermostat.
Try lowering your thermostat a few degrees and throwing on a cozy sweater and socks or cuddling with your fur baby! You can also invest in a smart thermostat. Rebates are available at sdge.com/rebates.
Lower your water heater thermostat.
Lowering the thermostat on your water heater to 120°F, if possible, will save energy. Find water heater rebates from $75 to $500 at sdge.com/rebates.
Use the “energy saver” switch on your dishwasher.
Set it on a low temperature setting when feasible. Also, think about turning off the heat drying cycle – you don’t need it! Only run full loads and turn the appliance off after the dishes are washed. And make sure to run it during off-peak hours before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m.
Keep your blinds and curtains open during the day and closed at night.
During the day, let the sunlight and warmth in. When the sun goes down, close your blinds to keep the warm air in.
Make sure your home is well-insulated.
Without good home insulation, the hot air your natural gas heating system emits can escape through cracks, doors, windows, the attic and garage.
Use water efficiently.
Take shorter showers and wash clothes in cold water. Consider installing low-flow fixtures, insulating your hot water pipes and using a water heater timer.
Visit sdge.com/winter for more bill-saving and energy management resources.
Actual savings may vary and will depend on various factors, including geographic location, weather conditions, equipment installed, usage rates and similar factors.
Article 3: Energy bill assistance programs: Help is available
With winter’s arrival, managing energy bills can become more challenging. But did you know that SDG&E offers several assistance programs to help customers reduce their energy costs and improve energy efficiency?
- California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program
The CARE program provides a 30% or more discount on monthly energy bills for eligible households. Eligibility is based on household size and income, or participation in certain public assistance programs. Applying is quick and easy, with no documentation required. Find out if you qualify at sdge.com/CARE.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program
FERA offers an 18% discount on electric bills for households with three or more people who exceed CARE income limits but still meet FERA guidelines. This program helps larger families manage their energy expenses more effectively. Learn more at sdge.com/FERA.
- Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program
The ESA program provides no-cost energy-efficient home improvements to income-qualified customers. Services and products may include attic insulation,
energy-efficient refrigerators, weatherstripping and more. The program aims to reduce energy use and help lower bills. Find details at sdge.com/ESA.
- Medical Baseline Allowance
Customers with certain medical conditions may qualify for additional energy at the lowest rates through the Medical Baseline Allowance program. This helps offset the cost of operating medical equipment or maintaining necessary heating and cooling. Learn more at sdge.com/Medical.
- Payment Arrangements
If you’re having trouble paying your energy bill, you can request an extension to help avoid interruptions to your service. Flexible payment arrangements are also available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at sdge.com/PaymentArrangements.
Learn about these programs and more at sdge.com/assistance.
Artículo 3: Programas de asistencia para su factura de energía: Hay ayuda disponible
Con la llegada del invierno, administrar su factura de energía puede ser más difícil. ¿ Pero sabía usted que SDG&E ofrece varios programas de asistencia para ayudar a los clientes a reducir sus gastos de energía y mejorar la eficiencia energética?
- Programa de Tarifas Alternas para Energía en California (CARE)
El programa CARE ofrece un descuento de 30% o más en las facturas mensuales de energía a los hogares que cumplan con los requisitos. Las condiciones para participar se basan en el número de personas y los ingresos del hogar, o en la participación en determinados programas de asistencia pública. Solicitarlo es rápido y fácil, sin necesidad de documentación. Averigüe si reúne los requisitos en sdge.com/CARE.
- Programa Familiar de Reducción de Tarifas Eléctricas (FERA)
El programa FERA ofrece un descuento del 18% en las facturas de electricidad a los hogares con tres o más personas que superen los límites de ingreso de CARE pero que cumplan con las pautas de FERA. Este programa ayuda a las familias numerosas a administrar sus gastos de energía con mayor efectividad. Más información en sdge.com/FERA.
- Programa Energy Savings Assistance (ESA)
El programa ESA ofrece mejoras para la eficiencia energética en el hogar sin costo a los clientes que reúnen los requisitos de ingreso. Los servicios y productos pueden incluir aislamiento del ático, refrigeradores eficientes en energía, tiras para aislar y mucho más. El programa busca reducir el consumo de energía y ayudar a bajar las facturas. Encuentra más detalles en sdge.com/ESA.
- Asignación Médica Inicial
Los clientes con determinadas afecciones médicas pueden tener derecho a recibir energía adicional a las tarifas más bajas a través del programa de Asignación Médica Inicial. Esto ayuda a compensar los gastos ocasionados por el funcionamiento de equipos médicos o el mantenimiento de la calefacción y aire acondicionado necesarios. Para más información visite sdge.com/medical.
- Arreglos de pago
Si está teniendo dificultades para pagar su factura de energía, puede solicitar una prórroga que le ayude a evitar interrupciones en su servicio. También hay acuerdosde pago flexibles para ayudarle a pagar los saldos vencidos. Encuentra más información en sdge.com/PaymentArrangements. Para obtener más información sobre estos programas y más, visite sdge.com/asistencia.