November 2022 Residential Messaging from SDG&E®


Looking for ways to save on your energy bill? Check out these energy tips that don’t cost you a thing.

  1. Talk with your family, friends and neighbors to find out how they conserve energy.

This can help you identify additional things you can do in your home to save. You may discover hidden energy costs, figure out how to eliminate them and learn from each other’s good habits.

  • If you have a second refrigerator, unplug it when it’s not in use. (Save up to $155/year)

An older refrigerator uses nearly twice as much energy as new efficient models. You pay more to run your spare, older appliance than your primary one in the kitchen. If you only need the extra space around the holidays or you’re a renter and can’t recycle the landlord’s refrigerator, simply unplug it when you don’t need it.

  • Turn your computer off at night or if you won’t use it for two or more hours. (Save up to $65/year)

Turning off your computer at night could save you up to a third of its energy costs, depending on your use and power management settings. It’s good to give your computer a rest, some software updates require computers to shut down and the fan is more likely to wear out on a machine that continually runs. Shutting a computer down also clears its memory so it may run faster the next time you turn it on. Turn off other home office equipment for greater savings. Plugging all devices into a smart power strip makes this easy.

  • Unplug electronics when they’re not in use. (Save up to $100/year)

Many electronic devices continue to draw power even when they are turned off. By unplugging devices and chargers when they are not in use, you can avoid paying for this extra energy. Products that waste electricity like this are known as “vampire devices.” Examples include televisions, coffee makers, microwaves, cell phone and battery chargers and video game systems. Many vampire devices have rectangular adapter boxes on their plugs. Plug adapters stay warm to the touch even when the connected device is off – a sign that it is a continuous energy user.

  • Make it a habit to turn off lights when you leave a room. (Save up to $50/year)

In an average home, lighting accounts for nearly 9% of electricity costs. Turning lights off when you’re not in the room is a simple way for you to make a dent in your utility bill. Before you go to sleep, walk through your home and shut off any forgotten lights. To help get into the habit, try leaving eye-catching reminders near your lights and doorways. Encourage family members to turn off their lights as well. This is a great way for young children to do their part to save energy.


SDG&E recognizes that this can be a challenging time for many customers and may be able to help if you are having trouble paying your bill. You may be eligible for programs and services that can provide immediate financial assistance and help you avoid interruptions in your service. Flexible payment arrangements are available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at

Check out these energy assistance programs:

  1. California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program: Save 30% or more every month on your bill. Find out if you qualify at  
  2. Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program: If you don’t qualify for CARE and your household has 3 or more people, you may qualify for FERA. You could receive an 18% discount on your electric bill. Visit to learn more.  
  3. Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program: You may qualify to receive free energy-saving improvements for your home, such as new appliances, lighting, insulation and more. Find details at  
  4. Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): If you have outstanding bills and you are a CARE or FERA customer, you may be eligible for debt forgiveness. See if you qualify at
  5. Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): This program offers up to $1,000 towards your energy bill. This Federal assistance program also provides support for energy-related home improvements. Learn more at

Even if you made a recent payment or set up a flexible payment plan with SDG&E, there may still be assistance programs available to help you. For a complete list of available offerings, visit  


Usted puede calificar para un descuento en su factura o mejoras en el hogar. Los programas de asistencia de SDG&E ayudan a reducir su factura mensual de energía mientras mantiene su hogar cómodo.   

  1. Programa de Tarifas Alternativas de Energía de California (CARE, por sus siglas en inglés): Ahorre un 30% o más cada mes en su factura. Averigüe si califica en   
  2. Tarifa Eléctrica Familiar (FERA, por sus siglas en inglés): Si no califica para CARE y su hogar tiene 3 o más personas, puede calificar para FERA. Podría recibir un 18% de descuento en su factura de electricidad. Visite para obtener más información.   
  3. Programa de Asistencia para el Ahorro de Energía (ESA, por sus siglas en inglés): Puede calificar para recibir mejoras gratuitas para el ahorro de energía en su hogar, tales como electrodomésticos nuevos, iluminación, aislamiento y más. Encuentre los detalles en  
  4. Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): Si tiene facturas pendientes y es participante en el programa de CARE o FERA, puede ser elegible para la condonación de deudas. Averigüe si califica en  
  5. Clientes comerciales: Configure un plan de pago flexible, para que pueda estar tranquilo sabiendo que está cubierto. Visite para obtener más información.  

Las aplicaciones en línea son fáciles, rápidas y convenientes. Para obtener más información, visite  


Did you know that SDG&E provides webinars for business owners and trade professionals, so you can learn new skills at your own pace? And most are at no cost. You or your employees can learn about the latest in green building practices, technology and energy-saving solutions from industry experts. Certifications and continuing education units are available for many classes. Check out the class listing at

Are you a Trade Professional? Join SDG&E’s Trade Professional Alliance at

Some of October’s topics include:

  • Decarbonizing the Built Environment
  • Green Buildings
  • Home Energy Series for Home Pros
  • Lighting Fundamentals
  • Using Energy Efficiency to Decarbonize Commercial Kitchens
  • Designing Commercial Spaces with Modern Ceiling Fans
  • Horticulture and Indoor Agricultural Lighting
  • Electric Heat Pumps for Water Heating
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