In the age of digital convenience, managing finances has become simpler and more efficient. One such convenience is Auto Pay – a service that automatically deducts payments from your account on predetermined dates. While some may still prefer manual payments, there are compelling reasons why signing up for Auto Pay for your energy bill is a smart choice.
1. Never Miss a Payment
Life can be hectic, and with our busy schedules, it’s easy to forget bill due dates. With Auto Pay, you eliminate the risk of missing payments. Auto Pay ensures that your payments are made on time, every time.
2. Save Time and Effort
Manually paying bills can be time-consuming. Auto Pay streamlines this process by automating payments, freeing up your time. Once set up, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your bills are being taken care of automatically.
3. Hassle-free Way to Manage Your Budget
Auto Pay can help you stick to your budget. By automatically scheduling payments, you can ensure that essential bills are paid promptly, avoiding the temptation to overspend or delay payments.
4. Secure and Reliable
Concerns about security are natural. Many utilities, like SDG&E, have strong security measures to safeguard your information. With encrypted transactions and authentication protocols, Auto Pay is more secure than mailing a check which can get lost or stolen.
5. Allows Flexibility
You have the flexibility to monitor your transactions and make changes as needed. You can modify or cancel Auto Pay at any time for your energy bill, online with SDG&E’s My Account or on their app. Download SDG&E’s app on The App Store or Google Play.
Learn more at sdge.com/Auto-Pay or enroll in Auto Pay now in My Account. Log in or create an account at sdge.com/MyAccount Consider also enrolling in paperless billing to reduce clutter and lower your environmental impact. Get details at sdge.com/paperless.
SDG&E is committed to supporting customers and making sure that everyone is offered equal access to information, resources and services. To learn more, visit sdge.com/AFN. Customers are also encouraged to share their household’s individual needs using the form found atsdge.com/access-and-functional-needs-survey.
Let us know whether you or someone in your household:
- Has a disability;
- Uses an electronic medical device for health, safety or independence;
- Is blind or has low vision;
- Is deaf or hard of hearing; and/or
- Requires the use of assistive technology or durable medical equipment.
SDG&E mantiene su compromiso de apoyar a sus clientes y asegurarse de que a todos se les ofrezca el mismo acceso a la información, recursos y servicios. Para obtener más información, visite sdge.com/AFN. También se anima a los clientes a compartir las necesidades individuales de su hogar usando el formulario en sdge.com/access-and-functional-needs-survey.
Háganos saber si usted o alguien en su hogar:
- Tiene una discapacidad;
- Utiliza un dispositivo médico, electrónico para la salud o seguridad, o para mantener la independencia;
- Es ciego o tiene baja visión;
- Es sordo o tiene dificultades auditivas; y/o
- Requiere el uso de tecnologías de asistencia o equipos médicos duraderos.
Looking for a more convenient way to manage your bills? Enroll in paperless billing! It simplifies the way you manage your energy bill and helps contribute to a greener planet. Here are some key benefits of making the switch to paperless billing.
- Eco-friendly: Going paperless reduces your carbon footprint by cutting down on the amount of pollution caused by making paper, printing and transporting it.
- Convenient: Access your bills and statements online or on an app from anywhere, anytime.
- Saves time: No need to mail your bill, write a check or find a stamp.
- Less clutter: Reduce the mess associated with stacks of paper bills. No more piles of paper to deal with.
- More secure: There is less risk of lost mail or mail fraud. Paper bills sent through traditional mail are susceptible to theft, while digital statements are more secure.
Switch your energy bill to paperless billing at sdge.com/MyAccount or learn more at sdge.com/paperless.
If you are having trouble paying your energy bill, you might be eligible for programs and services that can provide immediate financial assistance and help you avoid interruptions to your service. Flexible payment arrangements are also available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at sdge.com/Payment-Arrangements.
Check out these energy assistance programs:
- California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program: Save 30% or more every month on your bill. Find out if you qualify at sdge.com/CARE.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program: If you do not qualify for CARE and your household has three or more people, you may qualify for FERA. You could receive an 18% discount on your electric bill. Visit sdge.com/FERA to learn more.
- Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program: You may qualify to receive free energy-saving improvements for your home, like new appliances, lighting, insulation and more. Find details at sdge.com/ESA.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): If you have outstanding bills and you are a CARE or FERA customer, you may be eligible for debt forgiveness. See if you qualify at sdge.com/AMP.
Even if you made a recent payment or set up a flexible payment plan with SDG&E, there may still be assistance programs available to help you. For a complete list of available offerings, visit sdge.com/assistance.
Usted puede calificar para un descuento en su factura o mejoras en el hogar. Hay programas de asistencia que pueden ayudar a reducir su factura mensual de energía mientras mantiene su hogar cómodo.
- Programa de Tarifas Alternativas de Energía de California (CARE, por sus siglas en inglés): Ahorre un 30% o más cada mes en su factura. Averigüe si califica en sdge.com/CAREesp.
- Tarifa Eléctrica Familiar (FERA, por sus siglas en inglés): Si no califica para CARE y su hogar tiene 3 o más personas, puede calificar para FERA. Podría recibir un 18% de descuento en su factura de electricidad. Visite sdge.com/FERAesp para obtener más información.
- Programa de Asistencia para el Ahorro de Energía (ESA, por sus siglas en inglés): Puede calificar para recibir mejoras gratuitas para el ahorro de energía en su hogar, tales como electrodomésticos nuevos, iluminación, aislamiento y más. Encuentre los detalles en sdge.com/ESAesp.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): Si tiene facturas pendientes y es participante en el programa de CARE o FERA, puede ser elegible para la condonación de deudas. Averigüe si califica en sdge.com/AMPesp.
Las aplicaciones en línea son fáciles, rápidas y convenientes. Para obtener más información, visite sdge.com/asistencia.