Warmer temps are on their way, but it doesn’t have to mean higher energy bills. Use major appliances when energy is less expensive, before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m. Here are ways to save energy and money while staying cool.
First, let’s talk about appliances. They tend to use a lot of energy and heat up your home at the same time. With that in mind, consider the following:
- Change the way you cook: Turn off the oven and stovetop as much as possible. Relying on microwaves, slow cookers, backyard grills or air fryers are great ways to heat up your food but not your home. If you’re going to use your oven, do it sparingly and during the coolest part of the day.
- Change how you wash your clothes: Use cold water to wash your clothes so you don’t have to pay to heat the water. Cold water helps reduce wrinkles and remove stains. Washing in cold also helps your clothes last longer, prolong vibrancy and maintain their shape and size. Always aim for full loads of laundry and consider line drying them.
- Don’t “heat dry” your dishes: When running your dishwasher, turn off the “heat dry” cycle and let dishes air dry instead.
- Use smart plugs for appliances: Smart plugs allow you to schedule when your appliances are on or off – even remotely. They also help reduce “vampire draw” since appliances still use energy when they’re off but still plugged in.
Beyond appliances, here are other great ways to save on energy use:
- Save with Golden State rebates: Receive rebates toward the purchase of energy-efficient products like smart thermostats, heat pump water heaters and room air conditioners. Get details at sdge.com/rebates and for the product list, visit GoldenStateRebates.com.
- Use ceiling fans instead of the A/C: Ceiling fans can save up to 25 percent on cooling costs and reduces your home’s temperature up to ten degrees. In warmer temps, fans should be set counter-clockwise for the best cooling effect. Don’t forget to change the direction to clockwise when temps drop in cooler months because the fan pushes heat down.
- Use occupancy sensors: Install occupancy sensors for your lights. These sensors automatically turn off lights when there’s no movement in a room. You can also opt for dimmer switches with occupancy sensors to adjust lighting levels based on need.
- Cook efficiently: Use lids on pots and pans while cooking to retain heat. Match the pot size to the burner to avoid energy waste.
For more ideas on how to save energy, visit sdge.com/MyEnergy.
Driving electric just got more affordable with SDG&E’s new Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate Program that rewards qualifying customers with rebates of up to $4,000 when you buy or lease a used EV. Vehicles purchased after January 1, 2024, qualify for the program. Don’t miss out on your chance to save on driving costs while contributing to a cleaner, healthier environment. To learn more or apply, visit EVRebates.sdge.com.
Conducir un vehículo eléctrico (VE) ahora es más económico con el nuevo Programa de reembolso de vehículos usados de SDG&E que recompensa a los clientes que califiquen con un crédito de hasta $4,000 cuando compren o arrenden un VE. Los vehículos comprados después del 1 de enero del 2024 califican para este programa. No pierdas la oportunidad de ahorrar en costos de combustible y al mismo tiempo contribuir a un medio ambiente más limpio y sano. Para más información, visita EVRebates.sdge.com.
Take some stress out of your move when you schedule your SDG&E service request online. Use SDG&E’s My Account to start, transfer or stop your service. It’s easy and only takes a minute. No need to call and no need to wait on the phone. Online scheduling shows you available dates that you can choose. If your plans change, simply update your request online. Cross one more thing off your to-do list! Get more information at sdge.com/move.
If you are having trouble paying your energy bill, you might be eligible for programs and services that can provide immediate financial assistance and help you avoid interruptions to your service. Flexible payment arrangements are also available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at sdge.com/Payment-Arrangements.
Check out these energy assistance programs:
- California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program: Save 30% or more every month on your bill. Find out if you qualify at sdge.com/CARE.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program: If you do not qualify for CARE and your household has three or more people, you may qualify for FERA. You could receive an 18% discount on your electric bill. Visit sdge.com/FERA to learn more.
- Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program: You may qualify to receive free energy-saving improvements for your home, like new appliances, lighting, insulation and more. Find details at sdge.com/ESA.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): If you have outstanding bills and you are a CARE or FERA customer, you may be eligible for debt forgiveness. See if you qualify at sdge.com/AMP.
Even if you made a recent payment or set up a flexible payment plan with SDG&E, there may still be assistance programs available to help you. For a complete list of available offerings, visit sdge.com/assistance.
Usted puede calificar para un descuento en su factura o mejoras en el hogar. Hay programas de asistencia que pueden ayudar a reducir su factura mensual de energía mientras mantiene su hogar cómodo.
- Programa de Tarifas Alternativas de Energía de California (CARE, por sus siglas en inglés): Ahorre un 30% o más cada mes en su factura. Averigüe si califica en sdge.com/CAREesp.
- Tarifa Eléctrica Familiar (FERA, por sus siglas en inglés): Si no califica para CARE y su hogar tiene 3 o más personas, puede calificar para FERA. Podría recibir un 18% de descuento en su factura de electricidad. Visite sdge.com/FERAesp para obtener más información.
- Programa de Asistencia para el Ahorro de Energía (ESA, por sus siglas en inglés): Puede calificar para recibir mejoras gratuitas para el ahorro de energía en su hogar, tales como electrodomésticos nuevos, iluminación, aislamiento y más. Encuentre los detalles en sdge.com/ESAesp.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): Si tiene facturas pendientes y es participante en el programa de CARE o FERA, puede ser elegible para la condonación de deudas. Averigüe si califica en sdge.com/AMPesp.
Las aplicaciones en línea son fáciles, rápidas y convenientes. Para obtener más información, visite sdge.com/asistencia.