The San Diego County of Emergency Services has tips on how to prepare for storms and other emergencies. You should create a plan, build an emergency kit and sign up for alerts. Check out these helpful tips.
- Create a family disaster plan at alertsandiego.org. Practice evacuating with your family to be prepared at a moment’s notice.
- Have an emergency kit ready with necessary items if you had to evacuate, including food and medication.
- Have contingency plans for different times of the day, such as an emergency while some family members are at work or school.
- Check with schools or childcare providers to make sure you are aware of emergency plans and how you will be contacted.
- In case you are separated during a disaster, discuss where to reunite because phone service may not be reliable during a disaster.
- Your pets are part of your family too. Make sure they are microchipped and that you have a pet disaster plan in place. Learn which items to have packed at sddac.com.
- Register your (and other family members’ cellphones) with Alert San Diego at alertsandiego.org to be notified if an emergency is affecting your neighborhood.
- Get free sandbags at locations throughout the County. Find one near you at alertsandiego.org. Sandbags help divert or redirect water, mud and debris from your property and help prevent soil erosion.
Have you been affected by winter storms? You may be eligible for assistance and recovery resources. Learn more at sdge.com/RecoveryResources.
Looking for a more convenient way to manage your bills? Enroll in paperless billing! It simplifies the way you manage your energy bill and helps contribute to a greener planet. Here are some key benefits of making the switch to paperless billing.
- Eco-friendly: Going paperless reduces your carbon footprint by cutting down on the amount of pollution caused by making paper, printing and transporting it.
- Convenient: Access your bills and statements online or on an app from anywhere, anytime.
- Saves time: No need to mail your bill, write a check or find a stamp.
- Less clutter: Reduce the mess associated with stacks of paper bills. No more piles of paper to deal with.
- More secure: There’s less risk of lost mail or mail fraud. Paper bills sent through traditional mail are susceptible to theft, while digital statements are more secure.
Switch your energy bill to paperless billing at sdge.com/MyAccount or learn more at sdge.com/paperless.
If you are having trouble paying your energy bill, you might be eligible for programs and services that can provide immediate financial assistance and help you avoid interruptions to your service. Flexible payment arrangements are also available to help you pay down past due balances. Learn more at sdge.com/Payment-Arrangements.
Check out these energy assistance programs:
- California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program: Save 30% or more every month on your bill. Find out if you qualify at sdge.com/CARE.
- Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) Program: If you don’t qualify for CARE and your household has 3 or more people, you may qualify for FERA. You could receive an 18% discount on your electric bill. Visit sdge.com/FERA to learn more.
- Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program: You may qualify to receive free energy-saving improvements for your home, like new appliances, lighting, insulation and more. Find details at sdge.com/ESA.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): If you have outstanding bills and you are a CARE or FERA customer, you may be eligible for debt forgiveness. See if you qualify at sdge.com/AMP.
Even if you made a recent payment or set up a flexible payment plan with SDG&E, there may still be assistance programs available to help you. For a complete list of available offerings, visit sdge.com/assistance.
Usted puede calificar para un descuento en su factura o mejoras en el hogar. Hay programas de asistencia que pueden ayudar a reducir su factura mensual de energía mientras mantiene su hogar cómodo.
- Programa de Tarifas Alternativas de Energía de California (CARE, por sus siglas en inglés): Ahorre un 30% o más cada mes en su factura. Averigüe si califica en sdge.com/CAREesp.
- Tarifa Eléctrica Familiar (FERA, por sus siglas en inglés): Si no califica para CARE y su hogar tiene 3 o más personas, puede calificar para FERA. Podría recibir un 18% de descuento en su factura de electricidad. Visite sdge.com/FERAesp para obtener más información.
- Programa de Asistencia para el Ahorro de Energía (ESA, por sus siglas en inglés): Puede calificar para recibir mejoras gratuitas para el ahorro de energía en su hogar, tales como electrodomésticos nuevos, iluminación, aislamiento y más. Encuentre los detalles en sdge.com/ESAesp.
- Arrearage Management Plan (AMP): Si tiene facturas pendientes y es participante en el programa de CARE o FERA, puede ser elegible para la condonación de deudas. Averigüe si califica en sdge.com/AMPesp.
Las aplicaciones en línea son fáciles, rápidas y convenientes. Para obtener más información, visite sdge.com/asistencia.